Some curated ideas related to X, its owner’s agenda, and disinformation campaigns. Here is a list of curated news and articles relevant to this project.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced nazi or the convinced communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction (i.e., the reality of experience) and the distinction between true and false (i.e., the standards of thought) no longer exist.
— Hannah Arendt1
Humanity is tolerating that a white South African Nazi billionaire in the midst of a delirium of omnipotence spits worldwide on centuries of marches and ferocious battles for the conquest of social and civil rights. And all this for what? For the promise of four flying machines, internet in the brain and the colonization of Mars?
— Djarah Kan2
If we don’t want to become expendable characters in the fantasies of a child with too much hair and too much money, it will be better to realize before anything else that democracy is a wonderful purpose, very innovative and interesting, but difficult to do in a society that allows a few billionaire social network owners to decide that mass disinformation is not a public order and security problem. The misinformation that passes through major social media is the means through which millions of people are controlled who not only share fake news, but vote. Misinformation is the fast track in which those who intend to overthrow democratically elected governments travel. Disinformation is the foundation brick of the structure of this new dictatorship that has the face of progress, in this digital age. Misinformation is not the hay that functional imbeciles and illiterates feed on. Misinformation is the crowbar that right-wing governments and parties use to force the discernment capacity of every single human being. Whether it is more or less educated
— Djarah Kan2
When men go to pee in a public toilet they spend a minute gazing at the wall in front of them, in what many advertisers have seized upon as an opportunity to display posters of their products above the stinking urinals.
But in terms of framing, you’d better ask yourself: Is this really what I want my brand to be associated with?
You might well think twice if you were selling ice cream or toothpaste, so what if your poster was Ursula von der Leyen’s face selling EU values?
Because that’s the kind of environment in which the European Commission president, other top EU officials, and national EU leaders are posting their images and comments every day when they use X to communicate with press and the EU public.
Even the toilet analogy is too kind. — Andrew Rettman3
Nor can I skip Musk’s clear desperation, even as he holds this much wealth and power in his hands, to be thought of as cool. There are endless examples of him embarrassing himself while attempting to be funny or to gain respect. Unfortunately, while you may be able to buy power, it’s impossible to buy a good personality. — Rebecca Shaw4
The Origins Of Totalitarianism, by Hannah Arendt ↩︎
Why EU leaders should get off Musk’s X, by Andrew Rettman ↩︎
I knew one day I’d have to watch powerful men burn the world down – I just didn’t expect them to be such losers, by Rebecca Shaw ↩︎